Parents » Parents


Welcome to Hesby Oaks Leadership Charter! We believe that a fun, supportive community is integral to the development and upbringing of children, and we pride ourselves on having that kind of community. Whether you are new to the school or your kids have been here since kindergarten, we hope that you can find what you’re looking for here.

Below are some links to keep you in the loop with what’s happening around campus. Check our News and Events page to see the monthly rundown, the upcoming events on our Google Calendar, and what’s going on with the student-run Hesby Times. Look at our Counselor’s Corner to see who Maria Padua has spotlighted this month and to read up on some of the helpful links she’s got on her blog- they’re always interesting! Our Faculty page has a list of our faculty and a link to the individual classes’ sites where you can get a more detailed idea of what your child has been up to, and get in touch with their teacher if needed. And if you need help, don’t hesitate to use our Contact page to drop us a line.

Want to get involved? Check out the Hesby Involved Parents (HIP) website at

We hope you have a wonderful time here!

Quick Links on the Site


Menu, bell schedule, etc


How to enroll

Quick Links to Other Sites

Parent Portal

Check your child’s grades on Schoology!


Parent Portal Setup

No Parent Portal account yet? Read on.

Common Sense Media

What you should know about age-appropriate entertainment

Helpful Sites for your Child

Check your grades.

Learn to type!

Learn to code!

Educational games!

3D modeling!